"Better Weigh"® Continuous Weigh Feeders

"Better Weigh"®
Continuous Weigh Feeders

For highly accurate, gravimetric feeding of dry bulk materials in batch or continuous operation


"Better-Weigh®" Batch/Continuous Weigh Feeders are designed to provide feeding in either batch or continuous mode depending upon the arrangement of the feeder's control electronics. In batch mode, the batch controller is used to control the fast (bulk) and slow (dribble) speeds of the feeder. Accuracies of ±0.5% can be easily achieved in 2 lb. or less batches, and ±0.25% with 3 lb. or greater batches with time spans of 30 to 90 seconds. In continuous mode, the feeder's electronic controller is used to constantly monitor loss-of-weight of material per time in order to maintain a continuous loss-of-weight with an accuracy of ±0.25% to ±0.5%.

Better Weigh Feeder Controls

For gain, loss, or continuous weighing application click here.


  • Accuracy: ±0.25% to ±0.5% on batch or on minute samples when continuous
  • Features: Highly accurate gravimetric feeder utilizing platform and balance scale. Automated manual batching, 2 or 5 cu. ft. hopper. Sanitary construction available.
  • Drive: AC variable frequency drive standard.
  • Feed Rates: 0.03 to 550 cu. ft./hr.

Operating Characteristics

  • Handles powders, pellets, flakes, and other dry materials where it is necessary to determine actual feed rates on a loss-of-weight basis



Model BWP/L "Better Weigh"® Batch Feeder

Product Spec Image Product Spec Image
Model Feed Rate Max
(cu ft/hr)
BWP/L-3/4 1 8" 2" 1" 3/4
BWP/L-1 3 8" 2 3/4" 1 1/2" 3/4
BWP/L-1-1/2 8 8" 2 3/4" 2" 3/4
BWP/L-2 20 8" 3" 2 1/2" 3/4
BWP/L-3 60 12" 3 1/4" 3 1/2" 1
BWP/L-4 175 14" 3 3/4" 4 1/2"


BWP/L-6 550 21" 4 3/4" 6 5/8" 1


  • 304 or 316 stainless steel